Reviewed: New Years Resolutions 2014

2013 I completed 2 of my new years resolutions, 2014 saw me complete 3! Lets take a look back and see what was a success and where I went wrong! Before tomorrow's revealing of my 2015 New Years Resolutions.

The tracking sheet that Joanne inspired me on has disappeared but I am going to try and do the same this year!

1. Complete the Second Draft of Jack Union: Ab Initio - FAILED!

Jack Union, my ever present fantasy novel got off to a great start at the beginning part of the year but I  somewhat got a little blocked as the year went on. Perhaps it was a lack of free time with On Call and busy work, my nephew being born, or maybe I've just got a little bit lazy and lost my way in terms of my dreams. So of course, this will be back on my 2015 New Years Resolutions and I am more determined than ever to complete it!

2. Produce, Film & Complete The Keys Of Cochyuffern Woods - FAILED!

Another dream I appear to have lost my way on, I didn't even write a script! How awful is that? Perhaps it was too big a task if I wasn't even able to finish writing a book. I still want to keep my dream of film production and I want to begin my career, but to make a feature length film in a year, with no help in producing?? It was never going to happen.

3. Clear All Of Our Family Debts - SUCCESS!

We are debt free and so much better of for it! I've even paid off a significant chunk from my student loan this year!

4. Go On A Holiday To Scotland And A Holiday Overseas - FAILED!

I didn't even get the most exciting one done! I deserve a holiday and I haven't even sorted out a passport for goodness sakes. This is definitely a must considering I haven't had a holiday since 2008.

5. Complete the Film 365 Challenge - SUCCESS!

This was surprisingly difficult! Who'd have known it would have taken so much of my time but I managed to do it! For more information see my Letterboxd. It's been fun though seeing so many films, and new films in particular that have changed my views on films again and again.

6. Be Healthy, Exercise and Have a Healthy Constant Weight of 11st 3lbs - 11st 6lbs - FAILED!

I've gained over 2 stone for fuck sake. This is something that I need to sort out!

7. get Some Work Experience On Downton Abbey - FAILED!

I'd love to say that I had completed this but alas another year has been missed. All I want is to be a part of the best British Television Series on television! It's got to go back on my resolutions because it's something that I really want to do!

8. Read A Book A Month - FAILED!

I've not even finished reading Dracula, I've had like a six month gap since I last read it...

9. Learn Basic Sign Language And Spanish - FAILED!

Do you really think I'd have found time for two languages but not my passion of film and writing?!

10. Complete my List of 1001 Things To Do Before I Die - SUCCESS!

I actually have completed writing this so I am please to have a third success! Now I just need to complete some of them!


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