
Showing posts with the label drama


So, these past 48 hours shit has gone down in halls. I'm not going to divulge too much because I respect the privacy of my friends, but it has caused a huge rift in mine and 2 of my friends relationships. My friendships with them have broken down because of the lack of trust. And I am partly at fault by not raising the issue even though it has been like this for the past 2 months at least. They have changed who they are, and I have finally told them that I don't like who they have become. They were two of the nicest people I knew, but have recently become selfish and so absorbed with their own feelings and desires that they have forgotten, or disregarded the people around them. I have finally explained to them that I cannot trust them when they lie to me, and that they have become horrible, cruel people. I still don't know what to believe when they apologise and talk to me, and I am debating whether I should give them the benefit of the doubt. I loved them both becaus