Who Killed Lucy Beale? Suspects 45-36

Part 4 of my breakdown of the suspects who could possibly have killed Lucy Beale on EastEnders! We've got some dark horses, some who could flip and some mysteries.

45. Tamwar Masood 

Tamwar could possibly have a storyline after 2010 or whenever the fire was, and his latest half-arsed storyline is seeing him lust after Nancy. There's a possibility that the last blonde he went after rejected him and he flipped out...

44. Carol Jackson

Carol's been exhausted since her cancer ordeal and I don't think she could have quite plucked up the energy to kill Lucy. However, since her illness, she has been getting more and more angry. Could she have flipped out?

43. Stan Carter

It appears that Stan is going to die around Christmas, way before the february reveal. They're not going to have the killer already dead surely?

Although, that is definitely a killer's face.

42. Nancy Carter

Nancy Carter has to be the hard nut of the Carter family. She is the one you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side with. However, she still has a heart of Gold. She actually has quite a resemblance to the blonde deceased. She's also the most accepting so I can't imagine she'd kill.

41. Masood Ahmed

Masood is always promising dark storylines and the closest we've got is turning into a rebellious teenager. He has been involved in Jane's life for a while but never particularly dealt with the difficult step-daughter that was Lucy. However, if she had secretly upset Jane (which is bound to be an upcoming twist) then he would definitely have stepped up to defend her honour.

40. Liam Butcher

There's not many promo photo's of Liam, and I can't find any that doesn't show him as a child. There's always been something about him, but he does appear to be a good boy since leaving the gang and definitely become a nothing since Bianca's gone. He and TJ (Below) both got very much involved with Cindy and perhaps Liam was looking for a rebound in her sister and was rejected, forcing him over the edge? Please note TJ would have been way in the running if he had been handled as a character properly. The Spraggan family had so much potential and they just got thrown away.

39. Shabnam Masood

Shabnam has got potential to be a great character if EastEnder's get their act together. She's become a great force in the Masood family. She hasn't really done much in the last year she's been with though apart from keeping women away from her father. She's got an attitude just like Lucy's and if the two of them battled it out, I think the result would be the images we've seen on screen.

38. Linda Carter

There's only one thing that would make Linda a killer, and that would be to protect her kids. Did Lucy say something, or do something to hurt Lee?

37. Shirley Carter

Shirley has been rejuvenated with the return of her family. She's always been a favourite of mine, but now she's better than ever, even if she is still pining after Phil. She's a force to be reckoned with but does she have a reason to be Lucy's killer? Not yet that we know of. However, she's become the heart of the show and to be part of the biggest storyline for the 30th Anniversary next year would be fitting. I think if it was, it would definitely be an accident, and perhaps Jay and Ben hid the phone and purse to protect the woman that, although betrayed by the both of them, would probably go to the ends of the Earth to protect them. 

36. Donna Yates

Apart from being an annoying little bitch, Donna has yet to do anything really. She wasn't particularly happy about wearing a band for Lucy… Could it be a guilt trip? There's something about her that's nasty and I could see her popping off poor Lucy.


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