30 Day Grey's Anatomy Challenge: Saddest Death - Day 25

30 Day Grey's Anatomy Challenge: Saddest Death

George O'Malley's 007

George O'Malley's death was sad for so many reasons. The first being that he deserved something so much more. His disappearance of the episode did seem to sudden for me. And the extra sadness was he used one of his most embarrassing moments as an identifier of who he was. So sad. I cried a lot when he went.

Check out the previous 30 Day Grey's Anatomy Challenge entries:

Day 24

Day 23 - Day 22 - Day 21 - Day 20 - Day 19 - Day 18

Day 17 - Day 16 - Day 15 - Day 14 - Day 13 - Day 12

Day 11 - Day 10 - Day 9 - Day 8 - Day 7 - Day 6


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