30 Day Grey's Anatomy Challenge: Least Favourite Male Character - Day 5

30 Day Grey's Anatomy Challenge: Least Favourite Male Character

Preston Burke

Preston Burke

This was actually quite difficult. I don't think Shonda Rhimes is a massive fan of men as the majority of the male characters in Grey's are douches, for lack of a better word. And on top of that, in all honesty, they're loveable douches. I hate the way Derek is selfish, but I love how caring he can be. I could name several oxymoronic thoughts on the men, but I've got to decide who I'd be quite happy to leave the show or to have left sooner. Then I remembered the unforgivable heartless bastard that was Preston Burke. After all Cristina did for him in hiding what happened with his hand (even if it was a little bit for selfish reasons), to break her heart and ditch her at the altar. No. Not Acceptable. Not to my Cristina.

Check out the previous 30 Day Grey's Anatomy Challenge entries:


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