My Silly Valentine

OK, It's official, I work for the best company to work for.

Previously in the last four four and a half months I've worked there, we've had champagne about five times, an iPad for a Christmas present (and a Christmas jumper), an epic Christmas party in Leeds that included staying in the Malmaison, drinks at the SkyLounge (in the Hilton Hotel), champagne on a boat and then a meal and party in a Teepee before a hilarious night out in Leeds, where I just so happened to meet up and party with fellow J-Kitch fan Sara.

And not only does the job have some great opportunities to grow and learn, and I'm getting huge responsibilities that I can run with, I've also become project manager for Contributing To The Community. With this, I can do things to help those less fortunate. We recently raised £70 for the British Heart Foundation on their Ramp Up The Red day last Friday. And we've got a lot more planned to raise awareness, money and help others.

This Valentines day was no different to the previous efforts. Approaching my desk I am flattered with a rose and chocolates and more importantly, One Direction Love Hearts. Then we all sent and received anonymous valentines cards (although I won't receive mine until Monday because the person who had me hasn't been in all week!) and then we had a game of finding hearts around the office, and a 'pin the tail on the donkey' style game of plant a smacker on Ryan Gosling's lips. The office was well decorated and we ended the day with a glass of champers!!

What a great job I have!


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