Jack Union: Ab Initio Synopsis

Jack Union: AB Initio by Tyler O'Connor

Every so often you'll hear me mention writing Jack Union: Ab Initio. I have kept this project quite under the wraps. I'm not going to reveal much, but here is the quick synopsis that can also be found on my Facebook page TizRheaD UK;

There are many things in this world that can turn your life upside down, and never has there been anyone that has had so many of them happen in such a short time as Jack Union.
Jack was just an ordinary student at Hearts school, with ordinary friends, ordinary home, and just like many, a bully who made his life hell. His family was fragmented ever since his father died, or the man he thought was his father.

Fiona Comitis has been hiding things from Jack ever since she took him in, including why she took him in, who his real parents are, and perhaps the most important and shocking of all, his magical abilities in a world of wizardry and fantasy, all hidden from the perimortal world.

Discover Jack's journey as he is immersed into his new world, including a mythical sword, a spanish murderer, A muddy wedding dress, a deadly orb and a pair of giraffe statues. 
I'm hoping to finish the second draft by the end of 2014, and then ask a couple of friends interested in book editing to check it out, and hopefully after that send out to be published! *Fingers Crossed*


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