Cliques, Geeks & Spats

Ok, here's a point of view of mine that I really do want to press on people. Because I think it's the one thing at university which I think causes people to miss out on great opportunities and fun times.

And that is decisions to not be friends or not be nice to someone. Now I'm sure I have done it myself and it is something I am working on in changing. But it just doesn't make sense. The amount of times people are just blunt, not nice, or ignorant just because they don't know someone that well is fucking rude. 

I'm not saying that everyone has to be friends with everyone. And I'm definitely not saying that I am. But I'm the kind of person who is open to getting along with anyone and everyone. It doesn't mean I want to replace my previous and closer friends with you, or spend all of my time with you, it just means that I'm not going to not be friendly just because I don't know you very well, or because I'm not in your little friendship group or clique. And I'm never going to say I've got enough friends, because you may miss out on a great new friendship. There's nothing worse when people don't make an effort for no genuine or respectable reason. It doesn't exactly hurt to smile at someone or say hi if they do so to you. 

I'm not claiming that it gets me down a lot because 90% of me couldn't give two shits about what everyone thinks of me, but when it's just arrogance preventing you from being nice, or just laziness, then it just strikes me as pathetic and frustrating. 

Each day I want to give up on humanity, because I can see our whole society turning into a selfish, unsociable and cruel race, and it's something that needs to be changed. I realise that most of this just sounds like bullshit, but my depression has made me realise many things as of late. And this is one of them, it just is an uneccessary drawback of living. And these are things I could do without so I can focus on getting better.


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