Chinese Lanterns

So, today has been a rather odd day.

We had a successful day filming, in particular a time lapse of Salisbury Town Centre. I'm really proud of the camera work I have performed because I've been able to do it all myself, and it really looks quite good! Me and Beth have worked well together as a director/camera team!

I then put up the Christmas Decorations in the flat with Melissa, Jolly & Leanne. It was really nice to make the place look festive and also spend time with Leanne who I haven't really hung out with much the past week or so.

Then we decided to set of our Chinese Lanterns. I was really looking forward to these as I wanted them to mean something. I was debating on whether to put a message or a bad though on them so that they could raise into the air and the message could burn away, but I thought of it more symbolically instead. I'd have a bit of a downer before we decorated so this was a kind of, yeah, stupid thing. Anyway, neither of my lanterns worked, which I think kind of does make them symbolic, like I wanted, but not in the right way. These were sad and pathetic, falling from the roof. My lanterns filled with up with the hot air, and decided to waste it, even though the other lanterns managed to fly away.

So yeah, then I had a massive rant about air in a tired/breakdown state.

I really don't know what to make of today, It's had ups and downs, and parts that have meant to feel good. But I can't show the truth.


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