
So here's a little update on my life right now,

My university work is becoming quite hectic at the moment with various deadlines within the next couple of weeks, including my script, case study, research methods and documentary. 2 of Which haven't even left the starting blocks. My script however, seems to have turned out pretty good and my case study has a lot of potential.

I've had to have another day off of work from being sick today, which has kinda pissed me off because next month I'm going to be ridiculously poor. However, the job is also taking it's toll.

Christmas is coming up and presents are almost complete, cards are written and ready to be sent off when it becomes an acceptable time to send them off. The presents need to be wrapped, and some need to arrive...Thanks a bunch Amazon, Snapfish and Play.com, you're useless sometimes. I'm starting to blame the useless post office instead though. 

Feeling as low as ever but things are in motion for help. Even if I still don't think it's going to help too much...

The flat is as jewish as ever...It's dirty all the time no matter how many of my cleaning jobs I do. It's a hovel and it's a bit sickening.

I need to get my car sorted out soon. Since my car accident I've (well, my dad's) been trying to get it all sorted so I can have a car again etc.

So, stress, stress, stress as always.

Anyway, want so see a photo of me on a night out that sucked? I looked good but it wasn't enough to make me happy:


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