Angry Drunk??

So, as per usual, I got drunk Saturday night. First time in 9 days! :O

But, amongst other things that happened that I don't really want to talk about, I realised I am an angry drunk sometimes...

So, the night my sister came down to Salisbury I nearly punched someone.
A few nights after I shouted at someone for not waving at Melissa
This week, I explicitly warned Sean not to mess with Melissa... I went a bit too into detail appaz...

I don't want to be an angry drunk, but I don't know how to stop it other than to not drink for a while. After all, I'm still down. I'm gonna try not drinking as much and if that doesn't work, I might even stop going out for a while. It's not fair on other people for me to shout at them or whatever and ruin/affect their night.


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