OMG did anyone else watch Lost last night?? It was amazing!
I loved it!

I actually woke up at the right time this morning, and didn't know what to do with myself! I had everything ready for college, and ended up waiting around 
for Abbie!
The bloody way into college was a nightmare, because the main road was closed...we ended up in a right palava!! I had no idea where i was, and the same will probably happen tomorrow oh well...
I actually stayed awake in english, and we learnt...wait....i can't remember....EPIC FAIL

Then media studies sorting out my shots from Wednesday, they look pretty good if i don't say so myself! Maybe i can post them up soon??
 Someone beeped me on the way home...Bloody l
osers, I did nothing wrong!!
Useles fecks!

Also had work tonight, which was completely dead...The Red Lion...what are customers??


Managed to watch 3 seasons of Lost btw in a week!!!


Here's an advert i made...Just thought i'd show you...i made it last year lol…


-- said…
thats an awesome poster! and thank you hehe =)

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