
Showing posts from March, 2022

Return to blogging?

As has been the general theme of my vapid last few posts, here I am, looking to blog again, to see if it will do any good. Lets start with an update based on the big milestones I kept missing in my previous posts. It is five years since my previous post, where I was a very naive 25 year old. Yes, I'm in my thirties now. Maturing like a fine wine I hope, but more likely like a piece of cheddar that dropped under the fridge. Back then I was 'still' living at home. I did not know back then that it would be another five years. Last year however, in May I bought my own home. Yes that's right, I'm a homeowner. The years of saving paid off.  I escaped the bully from the old marketing company and after a brief time working in Oxford, I have settled into a SaaS company where the last three years have blown by. I chop and change as to whether there is the right level of opportunity for me there, but I have a good support network there and I am doing something I enjoy; Contin...