International Women's Day 2016
Today is International Women's Day, a day that I feel needs to be acknowledged and promoted far more than it is. As a #HeForShe, I think today is the perfect opportunity to acknowledge and challenge the social injustice that for so much time and by so many people, is brushed under the carpet (and probably expected to be done so by a woman at that) Why in 2016 is it still acceptable to pay women far less than men? The fat cats hide behind their masked reasons but the fact of the matter is that they still don't care. Whether you are a man or a woman does not affect your performance in any job role, so why does it affect your salary? And don't even get me started on the opinions of women at work and whether they'll 'up and leave to start a family'. Why is it still common for a woman to be asked about her family plans and why does it matter? Why in 2016 is there still a glass ceiling? You can try and gloss over with excuses but the fact remains that their is no...