Back on Drunken Form

Thursday... So much to say about Thursday. Well, I got the drunkest I have been in a very very long time, if not ever! Shenanigans included playing ring of fire, describing my vagina and licking carpet cleaner off of my arm at Lucy and Lizzies. The off to Spirit where I seemed to have a hat fetish stealing people's headwear, perhaps having a drink thrown over me but I can't remember, and I don't really remember much about Spirit after that. Then to Voodoo, where I ended up licking a guys face, smoking, and being nice when Amy got upset because she got hit by some girl for defending a friend or something like that. I forget, I then went back to halls to tell Guy, and made a fool of myself in front of the freshers. This is one of my more sober photos :/ I wouldn't have had it any other way!