
Showing posts from January, 2009

Before the worst...

Well, today was eventful... Finally got my de-icer back from my sister who borrowed it, and completely forgot to give it me back yay!! My drive to college was okay, this time the road was open again, so panic averted!! Film studies, found out my exam is on my birthday :( oh well, never mind... Ashley was a complete dick. We were working on our storyboards, and Tash brought in some props for us, and Me and Lisa held eachother at gun point!  it was great, She has the photos on facebook...Anyway, ashley was a miserable sod,  but at least he wasn't speaking to us...Until he decided he was leaving and walked past Charlotte's desk, and all of her stuff wash pushed off... She, as she so normally does, shouted "YOU SILLY BOY", and his bloody reply... "FUCK OFF BITCH" Bloody fool...He was lucky he ran into the boys toilets crying!!  Abbie left for her new work helping her mum, and I had a chat with Steph, and then Lauren, which was prett...
OMG did anyone else watch Lost last night?? It was amazing! I loved it! anyway... I actually woke up at the right time this morning, and didn't know what to do with myself! I had everything ready for college, and ended up waiting around  for Abbie! The bloody way into college was a nightmare, because the main road was closed...we ended up in a right palava!! I had no idea where i was, and the same will probably happen tomorrow oh well... I actually stayed awake in english, and we learnt...wait....i can't remember....EPIC FAIL Then media studies sorting out my shots from Wednesday, they look pretty good if i don't say so myself! Maybe i can post them up soon??  Someone beeped me on the way home...Bloody l osers, I did nothing wrong!! Useles fecks! Also had work tonight, which was completely dead...The Red Lion...what are customers?? LOL Managed to watch 3 seasons of Lost btw in a week!!! FILM TOMORROW AND STEPHS BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIR...
Well, i actually remembered today! 2 days in a row!! So i woke up late...again, and quickly slipped out of the house!! Had to get to media early so that I could arrive on type, which is completely necessary considering none of my filming group turn up, because they're epic fails! We have to make three trailers, and what have they done? Nothing! So, i managed to think of a way to do it on my own. I filmed two parts this evening, one involved a dead man in a freezer...Don't worry, it's all fake!! Then i went to Abbie's textiles class, because im a gangster!! I managed to use dissolvable fabric for my Pandora's Box project...It rocks! We went home listening to Disney music so loud!!! it was sooo much fun, we were in such high spirits our acting depressed failed for the trailers!! Been watching Lost all night, and have succeeded in watching todays quota of six, and am on my seventh!! I actually liked Nikki and Paolo!!

Make me remember...

Well, In A2 graphic Design today Steph told me about her blog, and asked me to make one...I forgot about this, but am now back on it, hopefully will carry on... So, today...Rather fun i would say... I woke up late once again, i just don't get how people can wake up on time! I skipped breakfast, and went straight to my friend A Bee's house. She's one of my best friends. We're both amazing, thats why! We walked her brother to his school, and off we went to college...I can't remember what we listened to, but i know it ended up being disney songs! I began the suckish day with AS Film studies, which was quite funny, i've got to make storyboards for coursework, and we were doing a class contribution, and i'm gonna be honest, mine was the funniest... Once again Ashley was a dick! i don't believe him sometimes...i could actually hurt him! Then, i had A2 graphics, which was ridiculous. we're with the AS students, and get neglected comp...