Jolly Texts!

The Most Amazing Drunk texting ever! Between The Jolly and I!

Jolly: Hey Man! Sorry ur night was ruined by stupid bouncers. Much Love xXx Hope you have a good night still. xXx

Me: Legend xxxxXXXXXXXX

Jolly: I love you guys XXx xXx xXX

Me: Hagat u quilt eye of reimyy xx / We love you too, and you owe me k drink and spooning Xx

Jolly: One day man! One day! =D MUCH LOVE XXX X

Me: Haha haha ur a lover when you're drunk Xxxxx

Jolly: I love you guys! I feel bad for you! I don't want you ever to have a shit night! Tell everyone I am in love with you all! One Love, oh yes one love, I feel it in my fingers, i feel it in my nose and my toes, I'll feel it and I'll take it, just to see how long it goes. With people like you, our love is true, forever and ever, I'll always be your feather, on your skin, we will win. And our love will be the flu! Damn straight I love you and our hearts forever true, me and you, like paper and glue, it's me...and it's you XXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xX xX xXx xXx xX xX xXx xX xXx xXx xX xXx xXx xX xXx xX xX xX xXx xX xX xX xXx xX xXx xX xXX

Me: You've made my night! Our love is actually forever man! Xxx

Jolly: That poem was epic, if I do say so myself! Much love bretherin! XXx xXx xXX

Me: It was beautiful! I'm gonna write it on my wall! Xxxxx

Jolly: Thanks man, i write it myself. I love you all. Tell Bethany I love you all, she doesn't know that yet! XXx xXx xXx xXx xXX

Me: I love your kissing pattern! I told her! You're my favourite Jolly! Xx

Jolly: Aw Thanks! Ur amazing, just the way you are x

Me: OMG! That's my song to Melissa! Haha, you've joined us Xxxxx

Jolly: Yes! I love that song! I cant even remember who it was tho, I think i'm being kicked out now =(

Me: OMG! WTF! What's going on? Where from? It's Bruno! x

Jolly: Aston? I stole loads of ketchup, so they kicked me out, they don't understand that I'm a poetic, lovely, understanding, truthful person,so I'm outside now all alone. Lol stupid ant

Me: Come to E kitchen Xx

Jolly: Be there before kitchen christmas x

Me: You're a legend, you're right up there with Draco Malfoy x

Jolly: Yes! Nick abidethofu! Oakeny! Wahah! Hmmmm attack joe and edison party time! Gay? True! But cryptomite yes! Blue and red everyday! Car! Coz saber, light saber! Edison plays piano during the day and save life during day XXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx

Me: Ok, see you next tuesday, florence nightingale lover your jewish, your skittles have been lost but your justing for me and beth, play ping pong all night and sit on a turtle for luck, if you know a clown, hug a muffin, bowls make me smile, evil look from beth, buy me a onesie and you'll never regret it again, your room is a dungeon, like my face...Cold in her much errog frog and class xxxx xxxx xxxxXXXXXXX xxxxXXXXXXX xxxxXXXXXXX xxxxXXXXXXX xxxxXXXXXXX

Jolly: Ur poetry is as good as mind! We are in voodoo now! If i ever see a trule I will make love to it, coz i'll imagenf you while I do it, sorry i'm so gay tonight, my mrs will be unproud! I stole ketchup and suffered the concertes XXx xXx xXx xXX

Me: That's freakhog awesome! Xx

Jolly: Freakhog! Yes, Tyler cagevement freakhong Whapai!

Me: Oh yeah you dirty bitch! Xxx / Come Baccalll x


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